
What is Failure? Failure is the phenomenon which only occurs when you are unable to meet the desired or intended results. Where others see Failure as an end to their hard work, I see it as an opportunity where i can improve  myself and can make it to much more closer to perfection.    Everything in this world has its own timeline and its own moment to shine. For example,  If you are climbing a tree of 100 feet and your friend is climbing another tree with a height of 50 feet . It is obvious that your friend will reach his goal before you. Instead of stop doing your hard work, you must keep doing doing what you have started. It is a sign that you are destined to reach greater heights and to achieve greater things , greater amount of time is required "Failure is Temporary, Success is Permanent" -Thomas Edison Provided what your appetite is and how much you are willing to work hard for it. To get a clear understanding of Failure you can also look in